For the first time we have visited Palliative care and hospice ward of Oncology clinic on 18th of July. We were celebrating Ingvila Knavina birthday, we were eating sophisticated treats and were listening to Grieta Piraga sonorous voice. This day became brighter and more completed for 42 patients. Many thanks to the activity’s regular supporters! Today we have provided coffee, delicious ice cream from Ramkalni and appetizers from H2O Banketi and Portofino Riga for the festive table. Thanks to Zane Saulite Zvaigzne for a delicious cake specially cooked for Ingvilda and volunteers, who have let this activity happen! Thanks to Uri Foto, Zakline Zabere-Gaga and Reinis Helmuts Aristovs for memorializing beautiful moments and emotions!
HOSPISS LV visited Palliative care and Oncology wards in Pauls Stradins university clinical hospital on 4th of August for the second time already. Both wards have received trolleys with the help of which further it will be more comfortable to serve the patients with treats while regular visits. Patients were treated with 50 ice creams and approximately 3 kg of fresh strawberries, as well as provided chocolates and nuts candies. Each ward’s nurse has received a watermelon. We have visited approximately 45 patients.