In spite of deceased patient and their relatives’ written and video recorded feedback, in spite of promises given before the election, in spite of European Citizen’s Award 2022, in spite of voluntaries performing and completing tasks that should be resolved at a State level, in spite of calculation that the hospice care at home costs less than a bed space at a hospital, which are unsuitable conditions for a dying person.
At the time when not only a decision to continue, but also a law to organise and subsidise the hospice care at a State level must be made – we are denied financing to continue the service at all!
Back to the zone of despair..?!
Since 1st October, 2022, with financing provided by the Ministry of Welfare, a pilot project on hospice care was started which, until the end of this year will provide free of charge care at home in Riga and suburbs for incurable patients whose life expectancy set by the doctors doesn’t pass 6 months. At the same time care is available for 10 people and their family members, who receive professional support also in duration of 3 months after passing of their relative during the grieving process. At patients’ home a full-time professional care worker is provided, a doctor, nurse, chaplain and bereavement specialist, as well as a podiatrist, physiotherapist and other professionals according to the patient’s needs, are also involved in the care process. The family is also provided with all the necessary aid according to the patient’s needs, like, anti-bedsore bed, various hoists, commode chairs, oxygen equipment, etc. Trained voluntaries who devote both their time and attention, as well as participate in organisation of various nonmedical everyday pleasures are involved in patient care.
Up until now 128 families have received the service. News story by TV3: