We are recognized

A conversation with Daci Zušmane, a specialist in grieving, chaplain and pastor


Date: 14.04.2021


In order to provide practical assistance to ill dying patients and their relatives, we, the Hospiss LV charity organization, founded the social enterprise “Hospiss Māja” in 2020 and, in cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare, launched the pilot project “Hospiss care at home for adults and support for their family members”, which ended in 2023. For more than a year, we were able to provide a state-funded, top-quality service to 10 terminally ill, dying people at a time and provide support to their family members. During the pilot project, 136 care contracts were concluded.

The aim of the project was to show that in practice it is possible to help terminally ill people with a short life expectancy, as well as provide practical and emotional support to their relatives, and that providing such a high-quality interdisciplinary service would cost the state less than care in unsuitable conditions – like in a hospital.

We received great reviews from our patients and their relatives, moreover, one of our patient's relatives, without our knowledge, nominated Hospice LV for the European Citizen Prize, where we won the honourable award and the opportunity to represent our heart's work in Brussels.

European Citizens' Prize is a Europe-wide award given by the European Parliament to individuals, groups or organizations for outstanding achievements and contributions to activities that strengthen the common values expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union – human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity.


Hospice care is widely known in the world with the experience that 60% - 70% of the work is done by volunteers and donors. Hospiss LV organizes special volunteer trainings for work with hospice and palliative care patients. The lecturers are industry specialists – palliative care doctors, nurses, psychotherapists, chaplains, social workers and other specialists, who by sharing their knowledge prepare people for volunteer work - being with a terminally ill human. So far more than 200 volunteers have completed the training organized by Hospiss LV.

We are proud that the work of our volunteers has been repeatedly valued with the honourable “Volunteer of the Year” award:

2020 - Ilze Neimane - Nešpora

During the most severe stage of the Covid pandemic, she held promotions like “The Festive table” and “A Table for Our Own”, attracting many volunteers who prepared more than 116,000 warm and delicious meals for doctors, palliative care patients and employees with the help of restaurants, food manufacturers and suppliers.

2021 - Imans Škērstens

In the spring of 2022 he initiated and together with Hospiss LV realized the campaign "A Breathing Space for Our Own". Imants is a volunteer who thought about those around him and provided support to doctors exhausted by the Covid-19 pandemic, even in a not-so-easy moment in his own life. Hot lunches were provided for medics, as well as free rest in guest houses for 104 medics and 101 their accompanying persons.

2022 - Lienīte Ansone

A Hospice LV volunteer since 2019, Lienīte visits patients at “Riga’s 1st Hospital”, coordinates the volunteer team and maintains the communication with the hospital staff. Every Wednesday, Lienīte and other volunteers visit the hospital to talk to the patients, listen to their needs and go for walks together with them. After listening to the terminally ill patients, Lienīte also encourages them to participate in the Hospiss LV charity project "Wishes Come True", in which, with the help of donors, the dreams of these patients are realized. With her reliable, selfless, regular work and big heart, Lienīte brings a sense of celebration to the everyday life of palliative patients.




Ilze Neimane - Nešpora received a honourable mention of “Pride of Latvia” for the charity project “A Table for Our Own” that was created and coordinated during the worst phase of the Covid pandemic

Wave of Charity "Table for our own" - HOSPISS LV


"Women's Achievement Top 2024" - Four Representatives of "Hospiss LV"


In the magazine "Pastaiga" "The Top Women's Achievements 2024 also highlights four representatives of the charity organisation Hospiss LV: founders Ilze Neimane - Nešpora and Ilze Zosule, project manager Inita Sila and Vidzeme Hospital coordinator Gunita Bārda.

This year's list of the most influential, creative and outstanding women in Latvia was compiled by 18 experts selected by the editors - representatives of various fields whose opinion is highly valued in society. They named their favourites in 12 sectors and industry groups, including "Non-Governmental Organisations. Charity. Activists." In this sector, the most widely represented charity was HospissLV, with six experts casting their votes. "We would definitely live better in Latvia if everyone who has achieved something in life was ready to invest in society. By creating Hospiss LV, both Ilses have created new ways of practical help and changed the way we in Latvia look at people who are terminally ill.

An absolutely selfless, kind-hearted, and immensely valuable movement, for which we owe them deep gratitude."



Hospiss LV

REG. NR. 40008291781



SIA Hospiss Māja invites caregivers for people in palliative care to join its team. Work at the client's home in Riga and suburbs.

Each carer works with one client, 8 hours per working day.

Job duties:
- provide quality care to the client, working as part of an interdisciplinary team;
- providing personal hygiene and meals for the client;
- to ensure your well-being and enjoyment;
- work with the client's family;
- document the actions taken;
- regularly monitor the client's health and report any changes.

Key requirements:
- understanding palliative and hospice care;
- a desire to help people through your work, empathy and sincerity;
- a sense of responsibility, integrity, decision-making and the ability to act appropriately in critical situations
- knowledge of Latvian;
- Russian language skills will be an advantage;
- interoperable Covid-19 certificate.

We offer:
- pre-employment training
- salary 1089 EUR (gross);
- reimbursement of public transport costs
- health insurance (after probation)
- working in a multidisciplinary team
- regular training and supervision

Please send your CV and a motivation letter marked "Caregiver" to [email protected].
Please be informed that the personal data you provide in your application documents will be processed in the context of this selection.

We will contact the candidates and invite them for interviews.


This privacy policy, hereinafter referred to as the Policy, describes how and what personal data is processed by the HOSPISS LV Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) on the website hospiss.lv.

This Policy applies to:

  • both in cases where the Foundation is deemed to be the Controller pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter "the Regulation");
  • both in cases where the Foundation is considered a Processor under the Regulation;
  • both in cases where the Foundation is considered a Third Party under the Regulation.
  • if a natural person contributes (monetary donation, food donation, donation of appliances, equipment or objects, volunteer work) or is otherwise associated with the work of the Foundation;
  • If a natural person receives any form of support from the Foundation;
  • if the Foundation processes the personal data of natural persons on the basis of the legal grounds set out in the Regulation.

Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data or upon sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure, transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as his or her name, identification number, location data, online identifier or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

A controller is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

A processor is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

Third party means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, the controller, the processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorised to process personal data.

The data subject is any natural person who supports the Foundation or receives support from the Foundation.


2.1 Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (27 April 2016);

2.2 Law on Associations and Foundations;

2.3 Law on Public Benefit Organisations;

2.4. laws, regulations and other documents governing taxation and accounting.


3.1 This Policy provides general information on how the Foundation processes personal data. More detailed information on the processing of personal data is provided to individuals in the course of their day-to-day work, in internal documents and in response to written requests from data subjects.

3.2 The Foundation shall ensure the confidentiality of personal data within the framework of the applicable laws and regulations and has implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data from unauthorised access, unlawful processing or disclosure, accidental loss, alteration or destruction.

3.3 Where the Foundation, as the Controller, uses processors (for example, the assistance of a company providing accounting services), the Foundation shall take the necessary measures to ensure that such processors process personal data in accordance with the Foundation's instructions and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and shall require appropriate security measures to be taken.

3.4 If the Foundation updates this Policy, the current version of the Policy will be published on the Foundation's website hospiss.lv. Historical versions of this Policy will be available from the management of the Foundation. It is the responsibility of each individual to keep abreast of changes made by the Foundation.

3.5 In order to provide the Public with a more complete picture of the activities carried out by the Foundation, the Foundation also processes data collected from the activities carried out.

3.6 When the data subject visits the Foundation's website, his or her data (IP address) may be processed. When clicking on Facebook, Instagram or other links, the providers of the respective website, such as Facebook or Instagram, will initiate the processing of the data subject's data and will access the data subject's data in accordance with their terms and conditions, which we recommend that you consult on the website of the respective provider.

3.7 The Foundation does not carry out profiling of personal data.



Data category

Examples of data types

Some examples of data processing


Personal identification data

Name, surname, personal code

You, your relatives contact the Foundation for support or provide financial or other support to the Foundation, you are enrolled in our Friends Club or any of our other projects / campaigns


Contact details of the person

Home address, telephone number, e-mail address

You sign up to help the Foundation or you ask the Foundation for help by leaving your contact details


Data on activities carried out


Type, description, start and end date

You participate in the Foundation's activities or receive support


Photos / video

Digital image of a person, voice recording

You participate in the Foundation's activities or receive support, this is recorded by photo or video


Communication data

Incoming/outgoing communication, phone calls, correspondence, content

You communicate with the Foundation


Settlement details


Settlement system account number, bank account number, date, amount, date of payment, purpose of payment

You provide financial support to the Foundation


Performed on social networks

Photos, comments

You comment on the Foundation's activities on social networks


Actions taken on the website

IP address, information about the activities carried out on the website

You are visiting a website


Health data

Information on functional impairments, their severity, diagnosis in exceptional cases, treatment required

You have asked for help, the professionals analyse it before they support you, during the support


Details of authorised persons, legal representatives

Name, surname, personal identification number, basis of representation, contact details

You are represented by another person in cooperation with the Foundation


Volunteer data

Name, surname, contact details

Information needed by the Foundation to ensure transparency of the services required


Donor data

Name, surname, personal identification number, account No Amount donated

You donate money to our projects


Foundation staff data

Name, surname, personal ID, address, account No, phone No, etc.

Information needed by the employer to comply with the statutory requirements regarding the processing of your data as an employee


Other data

Other data

You carry out other activities related to the Foundation's activities


5.1 The legitimate interests of the Foundation - consistent with the objectives of the Foundation. The Foundation has the right to process personal data to the extent that it is objectively necessary and sufficient to fulfil the purposes for which the Foundation was established.

5.2.Compliance with legal obligations - The Foundation is entitled to process personal data in order to comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments, as well as to respond to legal requests of the state and local government, to provide information on donations received and their use.

5.3 Data Subject Consent - The data subject consents to the collection and processing of personal data for specified purposes. The data subject's consent constitutes his or her free will and independent decision, which may be given at any time, thereby authorising the Foundation to process the personal data for the specified purposes. The data subject's consent is binding on him or her if given in writing, including by email, or by implied consent, for example by being photographed with representatives of the Foundation when receiving support or by sending the Foundation a photograph of himself or herself. The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her prior consent at any time through the indicated channels of communication with the Foundation. The notified changes will take effect within three working days. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to the withdrawal.

5.4 Protection of vital interests - The Foundation is entitled to process personal data in order to protect the vital interests of a natural person, e.g. where the processing is necessary for humanitarian purposes, for monitoring natural and man-made disasters, in particular epidemics and their spread, or in humanitarian emergencies (acts of terrorism, cybercrime, technogenic disasters, etc.).

5.5 Exercise of official authority or public interest - The Foundation is entitled to process data for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Foundation by law. In such cases, the basis for processing personal data is included in the regulatory enactments.

5.6.Conclusion and performance of the contract - in order for the Foundation to conclude and perform a contract with any cooperation partner, the Foundation must collect and process certain personal data that is collected prior to entering into a contract with the Foundation or during the course of a contract that has already been concluded.


The purposes of the processing of the Foundation's data are the same as its founding purposes, which are as follows:

6.1. to create and promote a respectful and unprejudiced understanding of hospice services based on human choice in Latvian society among the general public, state and local government employees, health care and welfare professionals, thereby increasing the capacity of individuals to actively participate in maintaining, improving and promoting their own and their family members' health;

6.2. building, promoting and raising the profile of volunteerism and meaningful assistance among the Latvian population in the field of palliative care and hospice services, including the donation of property, financial resources, time and knowledge without remuneration;

6.3. to support the establishment of new palliative and hospice care providers, as well as the education of their staff, medical and social assistance professionals in palliative and hospice care, which would include the systematic provision of knowledge and skills, in addition to the national education system;

6.4. to identify people in Latvia who are in nursing homes, hospitals and other care institutions and who are in need of palliative or hospice care in order to promote their health and improve the overall physical, mental and social well-being of society;

6.5. to undertake a range of activities with the aim of establishing a new hospice and/or palliative care centre(s) in Latvia;

6.6. to provide any kind of support to those in need;

6.7. provide a range of social services.

The Foundation shall be entitled to process the data for the above purposes as well as for other purposes by providing the data subject with the possibility to opt-out of the processing, unless such opt-out is restricted by any laws or regulations.


The data subject shall have the right with regard to the processing of his/her data classified as personal data under the applicable laws and regulations. These rights are generally:

7.1 Receive information about the processing of your data in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation;

7.2. to request the rectification of your personal data if it is inadequate, incomplete or incorrect;

7.3. object to the processing of your personal data where the processing is based on legitimate interests;

7.4 Request the erasure of their personal data, for example, if the personal data is processed on the basis of consent and the data subject has withdrawn their consent. This right shall not apply if the personal data whose erasure is requested are also processed on the basis of another legal basis, such as a contract or obligations arising from the relevant laws and regulations, or their retention is required by applicable laws and regulations;

7.5. to restrict the processing of their personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, for example, at the time when the Foundation is assessing whether the data subject has the right to have their data erased;

7.6. to be informed whether the Foundation processes the personal data of the data subject and, if it does, to have access to them;

7.7. to receive their personal data provided by the data subject to the Foundation and processed on the basis of consent and contractual performance in written form or in one of the most commonly used electronic formats and, if possible, to transfer such data to another Foundation (data portability);

7.8. withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data;

7.9. not be subject to fully automated decision-making, including profiling;

7.10. to lodge complaints regarding the use of personal data with the Data State Inspectorate (www.dvi.gov.lv) if the Data Subject believes that the processing of his/her personal data violates his/her rights and interests in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations;

7.11 The Foundation is obliged to respond to the data subject's request within 30 days of receipt of the request, if necessary by requesting additional information, such as identification data, in order to verify the identity of the data subject without any doubt.


No "remember me" cookies are created or stored when you visit the Foundation's website. Only cookies that ensure the functionality of the website are used.


Personal data will be processed only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose of the processing. The retention period may be justified by the legitimate interests of the Foundation, internal documentation or applicable laws and regulations (e.g. accounting laws, etc.).


10.1.The Foundation obtains personal data when a natural person:

10.1.1. support the Foundation;

10.1.2. receive support from the Foundation;

10.1.3. ask the Foundation for more information about the Foundation's aims, activities, etc;

10.1.4. participate in the activities of the Foundation;

10.1.5. being photographed or filmed within the framework of the Foundation's activities;

10.1.6. post comments on social networks;

10.2 The Foundation may process personal data received from third parties (e.g. social services, relatives) in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation.


11.1 The Foundation shall ensure, keep under review and improve safeguards to protect personal data against unauthorised access, accidental loss, disclosure or destruction. To ensure this, the Foundation applies modern technology, technical and organisational requirements, including the use of firewalls, intrusion detection, analysis software and even data encryption where necessary.

11.2 The Foundation shall carefully examine all cooperation partners with whom personal data are jointly processed, as well as assess whether the cooperation partners (personal data processors) apply appropriate security measures to ensure that the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Foundation's delegation and the requirements of regulatory enactments.

11.3 The Cooperation Partners are not allowed to process personal data for their own purposes.

11.4 The Foundation shall not be liable for any unauthorised access to and/or loss of personal data that is beyond the control of the Foundation, for example due to the fault and/or negligence of the Client, the Affiliate, a third party or the data subject.


12.1 Personal Data is generally processed in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA), however, in some cases it may be transferred to and processed in countries outside the EU/EEA, such as posting on Facebook, Instagram or elsewhere.

12.2 The transfer and processing of personal data outside the EU/EEA may take place where there is a lawful basis for doing so, namely for the performance of a legal obligation, the conclusion or performance of a contract, and appropriate safeguards are in place. Adequate safeguards include, for example:

- There is an agreement in place, including standard clauses or other approved terms of an EU contract, code of conduct, certifications, etc., which have been approved under the General Data Protection Regulation;

- In the non-EU/EEA country where the recipient is located, an adequate level of data protection is ensured in accordance with the EU Commission Decision;

- The recipient is certified under the Privacy Shield (applies to recipients located in the United States).

12.3 Upon request, the data subject may obtain further information on the transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA.


13.1 The Customer may contact the Foundation in relation to queries, withdrawal of consent, requests, exercise of data subject rights and complaints about the use of personal data.

13.2 The Foundation's contact details are available on the website: www.hospiss.lv, in the Contacts section.