The purpose of the forum is to create a high-quality and informative discussion
in Latvian society about the issues and problems of hospice care. The forum will
highlight the interests and needs of a socially disadvantaged person and a person
at high risk of discrimination - a hospice patient. The presentation will emphasize
human rights aspects, discuss the services needed by a hospice patient and the
challenges in delivering those services, and share relevant foreign experiences.
Forum agenda:
10.00-10.30 | Coffee, tea
10.30-10.45 | Opening of the event
Ilze Zosule, co-founder of Hospiss LV
Moderator Edijs Bošs
10.45-10.50 | President of Latvia Mrs Andra Levita
10.50-11.10 | Mrs Miriam Vella, President of Malta
11.10-11.25 | Prof. Valdis Segliņš, Vice-Rector of the University of Latvia
11.25-11.35 | Experience story "My mother died in hospice care" / Iveta Keiša
11.35-11.55 | Enforcement of Human Dignity as a Constitutional Value in Latvia Prof. Sanita Osipova Latvian University
11.55-12.10 | Aspects of Medical Law / Dr. iur. cand. Laura Kadille
12.10-12.25 | Care of Dying Persons Dr. Vilnis Sosārs Head of Palliative Care Unit at Riga`s East Clinical University Hospital Oncology`s Centre
12.25-12.40 | Intersections of Health, Social, and Spiritual Care Dr. theol. Linards Rozentāls Pastor of Riga Lutheran Church, Certified chaplain of the Association of Professional Healthcare Chaplains of Latvia
12.40-12.55 | On Death and Dying Dr. Ilze Aizsilniece President of the Latvian Association of Doctors
12.55-13.10 | Why is NMPD not an alternative Liene Cipule / Head of the Emergency Medical Service
13.10-13.50 | Panel discussion
13.50-14.05 | Causes and Solutions to Structural Evils Indulis Paičs Theologian, Lutheran pastor, candidate of psychological sciences
14.05 Words of gratitude by Ilze Zosule
Lunch | closing of the Forum
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‘’The right to a dignified death’’