In this article, Lienīte talks about helping an Afghan family with six children. At the end of the article, Lienīte says: "In such a small country, where we are neighbors to each other, it is a blessing to remember those who currently have a harder time than us. Whether it is a sick person, old or young, a refugee or just an acquaintance behind the fence, nationality and religion, number of children, etc. are not important. Only one thing is important: love people and help them!” We are happy, grateful and proud to have such a great person as Lienīte in our team! Read the interview in Latvian here:
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We recommend to read! Interview with Hospiss LV volunteer – Lienīte Ansone

Hospiss LV volunteer Lienīte Ansone is active not only in our organization, but also helps refugees from war-torn countries.